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Aquatic Ecosystems

Interaction of living organisms with the physical or chemical environment in a body of water.

Ecosystem Restoration

Process of reversing the degradation of ecosystems, such as landscapes, lakes and oceans to regain their ecological functionality; in other words, to improve the productivity and capacity of ecosystems to meet the needs of society.

Ecosystem Services




Benefits people and other organisms obtain from ecosystems; examples include: pure water and clean air, scenic landscapes, wildlife habitat and biodiversity.


The natural environment where an organism, population or community lives, including biotic and abiotic factors. 

Upland Pine Ecosystems

Upland pine communities are woodlands characterized by widely spaced longleaf pines with a sparse to moderate shrub layer, along with a dense, species-rich groundcover of grasses and herbs. Other plants commonly occurring in this community are turkey oak, bluejack oak, southern red oak, live oak, persimmon, gopher apple, and leadplant. Animal species include green treefrog, gopher tortoise, eastern fence lizard, red-bellied woodpecker, loggerhead shrike, cotton mouse, and fox squirrel.


Florida Soil Series and Natural Community Associations

FR455/FOR384by G. D. J. LaPierre, N. D. Medina-Irizarry, and M. G. AndreuJune 2, 2022Soils often dictate the presence of different types of inherent natural communities. In this project we created a table that relates soil series to natural communities found in Florida. Correlation of soil series and natural communities was performed through the synthesis of land management plans, the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) documentation of exemplary sites, along with the UC Davis Soil Resource Laboratory Soil Web Survey mapping information system (SoilWeb). The GPS coordinates and conservation site names of the selected locations for said soil series are also recorded in this table. Use of this table can help private landowners, land managers, and researchers detect current and former natural communities on sites.

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